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The dried figs and almonds cantucci from Marabissi are handmade with the finest figs and almonds.
These are the typical and most famous biscuits from the Tuscany, which has been coppied a lot. But they have the secret recipe; just use the best ingredients and the manual treatment, according to the traditional Tuscany way. Enjoy them with a good coffee, cappuccino or with a glass of wine.
Marabissi has made Tuscan Panforte and traditional baked goods for over 70 years. The Marabissi family opened their first bakery in 1948 in the Tuscan city of Siena. Their family-owned bakery continues to promote a culture of learning and collaboration. Each day there are new opportunities for their dedicated employees to learn and develop, both as individuals and as an organization. Because of this, Marabissi has become a name associated with some of Italy's most iconic and high-quality treats, from cookies to cakes!
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